Night of Love

A Nerd, I was
that day, I came late.
Missed my spectacle
I figured, She was lying
with rose printed shirt;
She was in deep sleep
where my kisses can't even wake her up.
I had an extra pair, setted
refreshing; I found a piece of paper
Therein, with her font, I found
Love is what you are to me,
Not only the one you can give me
And though I'm not fit to it.
You have never shared the pain.
Cause, You loved me
Truly enough.
But stake at a choice, I shouldn't
make you down, You loved me!
Rather its the point I can show back,
how much I loved you more.
I am leaving now, but stained in your 
coat with my lipgloss and;
that will remain ever.

Move on, find the pair
Reason is, I am solely responsible
for my fault and tolerance of
blaming you, I can't held.
Move, from me and my thoughts
May I be your child.
I will be always with you, ever.

Deathly answer, staring it
He saw her gulped down with
the moment of death;
Pain was heavy.

You loved, not but understood.
Coruscate, you were in my life;
Can you ever think my happiness without it?
Couplet, I meant. Can literature
take us of one missing?
Sprite, I could call you as,
You filled me, made me to love;
Drowned me to the pool of you.
Those all, prods me to get you again.
Not my child, firstly my part again.

Its an hex, you left for me here.
Maul me, Kill me, I'll turn red
to love you again.

There, He ended.
But started to love with blood 
to live with her.

Night Of Love started there!


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