Alone there!

I watched him drink
To escape the addiction 
Of her taste on his lips
I watched him smoke
To burn the past
Of her memories on his mind
I watched him take to drugs
To alter his world
Devoid of her presence in it's every inch
I've watched him fail
To erase her and wondered why
Until it happened to me
But today I'm no addict
Searching for a redemption
She wasn't a mistake that happened to me
I'm perhaps a poet destined for solitude with verses
She's to be my muse

Though she picked me out the way,
There my heart and mind lay.
She, my inspiration; Will be nowhere found.
How Cruelty in these words sound.
Breaks with her of lush,
Remembers how I dissolved in the mush.
Does it mean Love in Lust?
How can’t it be? Thro’ the dust;
Does it mean Love in Lure?
She defined the way I mean.
Better, I am the way she then defined.
Echoes of her voice, touch of her hair;
Blaze leave me on soil alive.
She will be around with their random thoughts;
And poured out with jealousy, I sware.
Gulping down the love insanely,
Parting out the broken pieces;
To set it alright again to love her.


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